Here's the run-down of the London sites we will be taking in over our 4 day stay. The group decided to get the London Pass (2 day), and the other 3 are going to Bath/Stonehenge for one day -- I am going to hit all of the free museums and enjoy the city proper on my own.
Tower of London: It's a tower. It's in London. It was a PRISON! We have secured passes to view the "Ceremony of the Keys", a traditional ceremony that closes out the tower. http://www.hrp.org.uk/
London Eye: It doesn't have great reviews, but it's a quick way to see all of London. Plus, it looks fun and touristy. AND, when will I ever get to go on it again?? http://www.londoneye.com/
St. Paul's Cathedral, the "world famous centre of Christian worship and mission and heritage." ... what does that make the Vatican?? Either way, there is a LOT of religion happening on this trip... http://www.stpauls.co.uk/
Kensington Palace (I'm meeting the kids there before they go to Bath): a "royal residence" somewhere between London and Bath. http://www.hrp.org.uk/KensingtonPalace/stories.aspx
ABBEY ROAD. I'm not explaining this to you, as if you don't know the significance of this stop, we cannot be friends anymore.
Tower Bridge-- yes, I *will* be singing, "London Bridges", the Fergie version, per Justin's request.
Globe Theater-- just the tour. We're going to see a show in the "London Theater District." Apparently you can go to the ticket booths at 9:30 in the morning the day of a show and get half-off tickets!
Hyde Park-- it's free, it has the Princess Memorial Fountain, and it's right outside of my hotel.
Westminster Abbey: the living pagent of British History-- home of lots of funerals and the final resting place of many... but we'll go with "living" http://www.westminster-abbey.org/home
Are there sites that I'm missing??