I've gotten 3 questions this morning (it's only 9:30 am, people!) about the volcanic ash situation in Europe and if this will affect my trip in 2 weeks. I sure as hell hope it won't affect my trip, but who knows. My flight is still scheduled, I'm hoping that the air quality will be alright 3 weeks after the event, and I'm monitoring the news to see what the airports are saying.
MSNBC has posted an article summarizing the countries affected by the volcanic ash and their airport's strategies. Looks like most countries are going to be re-evaluating opening air space as of later today, except Italy which is checking it Tuesday at 2am. So, looks like I'll be monitoring and worrying for at least one more day...
As of this morning, Dublin's airport is still shut down (until at least 7pm today), Heathrow is completely shut down, de Gaul (Paris) has partially reopened, and da Vinci is still shut down. SHOOT.
The UK is opening its airspace! WOOOOT!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36658772/ns/travel-news/
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