Holy crap, a week from now, I will be in Dublin, starting the vacation of a lifetime! I did laundry last night, packed (I'm DONE except for the last minute stuff!), made sure my ipod was all loaded up and ready, grabbed a few more magazines for the trip , called all insurance/credit card companies to let them know about the trip, charged the camera battery, packed Leonard the Gnome, made sure the DVR was set to record my shows...
I'm ready.
I joked last night that I would have to have plans for the next 6 nights, because if I was left at home, I would be packing and unpacking and *re* packing. Plus, I would get stir-crazy. Thankfully my friends have stepped in and will be keeping me sufficiently entertained for the next few evenings. And, I made sure my stock of Tylenol PM was full- sleep is going to be rough the next few nights.
I feel like I am missing something. Is there anything random that I should be doing/packing before I get in the big ol' plane??
T- 5 days, 22 hours, 15 minutes...
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