Yeah, I started packing today. I bought a few articles of clothing, and wanted to pack them so I don't wear them before the trip (and ruin them), so I busted out the big suitcase and started packing. I still have a LOT to throw in the bag- all of the last minute stuff, etc. - but I'm paranoid I will forget something.
Rick Steves has a list that is in his guide books (and online) about what to pack- he says not to pack more than 20% of your body weight. HA! If only he knew how much I weigh... He makes a comment to bring Vaseline for your feet. WHAT?! Seriously?
The place we are staying in Paris has a laundry facility nearby-- I'm wondering if it's worth me only packing half of my items and washing them while in Paris (that's our half way point of the trip). It may be worth the hour or two at the laundromat, or whatever it's called in French.
I also noticed that a few things that I plan on bringing are not on the list- such as a camera, an extra memory card, the ipod/charger, set of electrical socket adaptors, freezer size plastic bags (I plan on bringing home liquids- olive oils, Irish whiskey, etc), travel pillow (thanks Andrea!). Anything else random I should be packing?
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Commenting on my own post is a little lame, but since this is for me as well... Andrea provided me with a packing checklist that she has used while overseas:
Photocopies of passports in luggage
Extra passport photos
Airline tickets, with photocopies in luggage
Tour/Cruise documents
Itinerary copies with hotel phone numbers in each piece of luggage AND on each person
Travel maps and tour books
Neck pillow for flight
Two credit cards
Foreign currency
Currency converter (Only if necessary, cheat sheets available from
Prescription meds for each person (in original containers only)
Supply of Motrin, Exedrin, Citrucel, Immodium AD, Anti-acid tablets, etc.
Medical kit (small) with Band-aids, ointments, antiseptic cream, etc.
Toiletries and Personal Care Items:
Anti-bacterial hand cleaner and wipes
Stain removers
Shampoo and conditioner
Bar soap
Face soap
Lotions (face and body)
Toothbrushes and toothpaste
Dental floss
Travel hair dryer
Make-up case
Razor/shaving cream
Hair brush/comb
Hair spray/gel
Fingernail clipper, nail file, and small scissors (do not pack in carry-on for flights)
Zip Lock Bags
Voltage converter and adapter (European voltage is 220 VAC)
Wrinkle spray
Travel alarm with fresh battery
Travel Kleenex
Clothing Items:
Light jacket (or sweater)
Layered coordinated clothing
Walking shoes
Cell phone
Updated phone list to include: family, airline numbers, travel agent, credit card phone numbers
Luggage tag on each bag
Luggage locks for all luggage
Colored ribbon on each checked-in bag
Bubble-wrap (for delicate souvenirs) and tape
Extra carry-on type of bag packed in luggage (for souvenirs)
Journal and pen
MP3 player and headphones w/ fresh battery
Umbrellas, small collapsible
Sewing kit, small
Rain poncho
Books, magazines
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