Today was "phone day" for me while preparing for my travels. I know you're thinking, "She's nuts. Just turn the damn crackberry off and forget about it." Doesn't work that way, mi compadre. I had to figure out how to turn off all of my email notifications while I'm overseas, so I don't receive 100,000 emails upon flipping the phone back on the evening May 15th. I also wanted to make sure I remembered how to change my voicemail message through Verizon (I turned off YouMail- sorry guys!).
I considered -briefly- taking my Blackberry with me. However, since I have the Curve and not the fancy schmancy "Blackberry World Edition," my phone wouldn't work overseas. In the alternative, Verizon would rent me a craptastic phone for $30 then charge me over $100 to use it overseas for two weeks. Forget it. All of our hotels have email access if I feel compelled to check my email/blog about my day (which I hope to do at the minimum- I need to keep tabs on what I'm doing for *me.* You reading about it is just a bonus). I don't think any of my "phone friends" will mind 2 weeks of phone silence-- besides, if they need me, they can call the hotel or go online ;-)
I did, however, set up a Skype account so I can try to talk to people while overseas. We'll see how *that* works -- all depends on the hotel computers and, you know, having friends to *talk* to on Skype.
And, I also got an international calling card through "Enjoy Prepaid." The Emerald Plan lets me have $20 on a pre-paid card, and will only charge me (at most) 2¢ a minute. This will let me call the parents, call "special" people back in the US, and even check on my hotel reservations. Of course Maureen was the one who recommended this phone card- she mentioned that she *still* has money left on her last card that she used while in Europe for 6 weeks. Win!
It's going to be hard to part with the Crackberry for 2 whole weeks...
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