Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Exercise in Europe

Because I'm still a little diet nutty and am training for the Muddy Buddy (too many rhyming words in that sentence) in July, I started looking into gyms and running routes around the cities I will be visiting. I noticed that the Paris hotel is next to a gym and I can buy a guest pass-- however much that will be... and will the machines be different? I already have a hard enough time on an elliptical machine here in the US. This could be a disaster waiting to happen.

I know I will be walking *everywhere*, but want to make sure I don't lose my fitness drive entirely. If I can get in 3-5 exercise sessions or short run/jogs while overseas, I will be happy. Plus, I think the time alone with my ipod and my running shoes will do me some good :)

I was playing on, and I found a running route right along Hyde Park (it's about 4.2 miles), which is about a block or two from my hotel. At my slow-as-a-snail pace, it will take me about 45 minutes to do. I found a route in Paris as well, but I'm not sure how far it is from my hotel (and they have the gym next-door I mentioned above). That's easy to knock off before we get up for the day and go sight seeing... right? Or am I trying to do too much?


Andrea said...

My first thought is that running is hard on the feet and then to be walking around all day on top of that might be a little much. I know my feet and legs were pretty sore at the end of each day. I emailed Scott for his opinion since he ran when we went to London. Maybe you could squeeze in a run on your travel days when you won't be on your feet so much?

Liz said...

Thanks for asking him! I know there will be a LOT of walking, but I'm afraid that I will lose my running endurance while over there. I'm not going to be as die hard about it as I am over here, but I also don't want Joe kicking my ass when I come back all fat and full of chocolate :)

Unknown said...

While I have more thoughts that I will leave not go running in Paris, a gym fine, but it is dangerous there to walk let alone run. Also parks are not paved in Paris, they are mainly gravel.

Liz said...

Even if I'm running in the daylight/morning, it's not safe?? Wow... now I'm a little freaked out about YOU going to Paris all of the time!

Andrea said...

Scott says his legs were a little sore at the end of the day, but he didn't run very hard and even took his camera along to "sight see" while running.

Unknown said...

What I mean by not safe is that, cars and cyclists do not follow traffic laws. You will get hit! I have seen motorcycles ride on the sidewalk, cars turn into pedestrians. I am just saying when your walking it is hard enough to pay attention let alone running in an unusual place.

Plus I surveyed a bunch of French history people yesterday for you and we all voted you are crazy for wanting to exercise more. We all agreed we nearly collapsed at the end of the day from walking and stairs AND we also all lost weight while still eating everything we wanted! So take that!

Liz said...

OK, that may be true for Paris, Maureen, but will that hold true through Rome and London too? I see lots of walking and stairs in my future, but nothing to help my arms and endurance besides carrying around wine, bread and cheese!